Sunday 1 June 2014

About Me, Dinah Priestley

I'm an artist and writer and  occasionally I write and illustrate childrens books or histories of Thorndon.
I also sometimes record and produce programmes for Radio NZ or do life histories of people for the
Turnbull Library. Occasionally I act in Television shows. What gives me most pleasure is sketching people.

I'm a mother of three, a "wicked stepmother" of two and a grandmother of ten grandchildren.
I live with Tony Burton in an old sea captains house in Thorndon. Tony has spent much of the last 35 years saving the old buildings of Thorndon.
Over the past 35 years Tony and I have produced over seven hundred batik portraits of NZrs and NZ life past and present.  One day we'll publish a book of our batik work. I hope so.( Batik is an art form far older than oil painting.)

I'm very fond of birds and butterflies

With a group of about twenty Thorndon residents we are replacing the felled pine trees in the Patanga Hill area of Tinakori hill/ Ahumairangi with native trees and a meadow, both of which we hope will attract more birds and butterflies. The main areas we have been planting are The Hanging Gardens of Ahumairangi and Titoki Valley.


  1. Epic blog Dinah!!! Keep posting! ;)

    1. Thanks Cassidy for your kind comment. Lots of love
